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A Skedar Warrior, as seen in the XBLA port of Perfect Dark.

The Skedar are a wicked reptilian alien race from the far side of the galaxy. They value war highly and have been engaged in hostilities with the Maians for centuries, as their sworn enemy. They serve as the true antagonists of Perfect Dark.


The Skedar are a race of highly sophisticated reptilian aliens discovered by the Maians near Delta Eridanus in 1650 AD. Ruthless, barbaric, and extremely hostile, the Skedar were a striking contrast to the more civilized and docile Maians; as such, it seemed war was inevitable.

In 2006, Skedar fanatics stumbled upon a message pod sent from a massive, desolate Cetan ship located on Earth. Being equipped with an incredibly powerful weapon with the promises of a sure win in the war against the Maians, they combed over Earth in a very heavy-handed way. They located the ship sometime later; however, unfortunately for them, it was located under the Pacific Ocean, prompting them to acquire help from the native species. The dataDyne Corporation was a natural choice, because they are the leading cooperation plus also follow evil ways, and they began the course of trading alien technology in return for the resources required to reach and breach the sunken ship to fulfill their purposes. After seeing strange occurrences happening as dataDyne greatly rose to power, Daniel Carrington acted with a swift response, and the story of Perfect Dark unfolds.

The Skedar's main goal on the Earth is to acquire the Pelagic II by any means possible, with the help of their ally, dataDyne, to create the AI Dr. Caroll (and a clone of the U.S. President), in order to crack the codes of the Cetan Ship's megaweapon. They actually intended to use it to destroy Earth into dust with said weapon as a test before using it again on the Maians' homeworld, therefore secretly betraying dataDyne and must be stopped by Joanna Dark and Elvis.

It is strongly implied in-game that the Skedar race was once used to be in great numbers, much like dataDyne, but their long war with the more organized Maians had significantly reduced them to a few, giving the reason for their temporary ceasefire and desperately wanting to end their battle with the Cetan megaweapon, as they are in fact losing. Also seen in the Attack Ship mission, the star map shows there are other strongholds in various planets besides Earth within the Milky Way galaxy and must be wiped out with bombardments by the powerful Maian fleet under the orders of Elvis, further bringing the Skedar to an inevitable loss.

One particular member of the Skedar, Mr. Blonde, oversees their technology exchange with dataDyne, serving as the current leader of the branch that invaded the Earth. He himself is also responsible for eventually killing NSA director Trent Easton for his failures and kidnapping dataDyne's CEO Cassandra De Vries for her "crimes against the Skedar", and destroying the Lucerne Tower HQ with a powerful bomb in his own mission Mr. Blonde's Revenge, ultimately wiping out their former ally for good, and ironically (and possibly unknowingly) doing a huge favor for the allies of the Skedar's enemies, the Carrington Institute. It is unknown what happened to Mr. Blonde at the end of the game, however, as he had mysteriously disappeared.

At the end of Perfect Dark, it is clear that the Skedar forces were completely exhausted. The King(s) are eliminated, the ground forces are wiped out, and the Battle Shrine in their homeworld is destroyed. The fate of remnant Skedar is unclear, though they are most likely destroyed for good, as seen in the post-game bonus mission WAR!.


The Skedar are a monstrous reptile-like alien race that have evolved technologically, being able to build biomechanical suits. They are only seen outside their suit as "True Skedars" in Deep Sea and in their homeworld, Skedar Ruins. When in their suit, weapons like the Tranquilizer and Crossbow do not work very well (except in secondary modes), and are more durable than human enemies. However, hitting the tail-like part in the back of their heads is extremely effective, and, in many cases, is an instant kill. They have a Cloaking Device that they are shown using in Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine, and the beasts are usually seen carrying around a Mauler.


In-game appearance of a Skedar Warrior and King, with Velvet Dark attacking, as seen in the XBLA version.

True Skedar are physically smaller than the Maians, being only as large as a domestic cat, whereas Skedar Warriors are much more massive, while the Skedar King is twice as big as a human. The Skedar are fast, fearless, and nimble, and although they do possess knowledge of high-tech machinery in their own right, the Maians' are superior in every way. Most Skedar operate a bigger bipedal exo-suit which appears similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex; Larger hindlegs and smaller forearms. The Skedar King's head somewhat resembles that of a Triceratops.

Although they are not usually as heavily armed like dataDyne, the Skedar are in no way less dangerous than their human allies, as they possess superhuman strength (especially true with the King), health, and animal-like speed, closing the distance at an alarming pace in a bid to viciously punch and claw their enemies. Others tend to keep their distance and utilize Maulers, Reapers, and rarely, the Slayer.

When on Earth, to avoid their true identities being detected, they have adopted a form of a convincing holographic disguise, taking on a tall blonde man, seemingly in his late 20s, wearing long white trench coats, known as Mr. Blondes. However, they appear to not grasp proper human vocabulary, acting more sinister than casual.

Notable Skedar[]


The main antagonist of Perfect Dark, Mr. Blonde, is an important member of the Skedar

Skedar Kings[]

There were 4 different Kings, with the actual King and 3 clones created for contingency. 

King 1: The real king is the leader of the entire Skedar race that Joanna Dark fights against inside the Battle Shrine, serving as the Final Boss. He carries a large magic staff functioning like a Rocket Launcher, a near-unbreakable Shield, and a Cloaking Device for warping. He was ultimately killed when Joanna destroyed the Shrine itself, driving the large spike into his head.

King 2: The second King is a clone of the original King. He is disoriented, and he isn't much of a challenge for the Maians that have been dropped in (though the AI is still the same as regular Skedar). He is located by the Idol of War and carries a Reaper.

King 3: The third King is yet another clone. He is located in the room previously filled with suspended Skedar soldiers. He is more prepared, but it's nothing that can't be handled. He has chosen a Slayer to wield.


The third Skedar King clone, seen brandishing the original King's Rocket-firing Staff.

King 4: The fourth King is the third and final clone. He is located in the very room where the original Skedar King died. His fight is similar, as he carries the original's Rocket Launcher-Staff. Like the previous clones, however, he does not wear a Shield nor a Cloaking Device.

Also see: WAR!

Weapons and gadgets[]


  • In Counter Operative, any Skedar controlled by the opponent player will morph into a Mr. Blonde carrying over any weapons they may have, making him/her easy to distinguish in Attack Ship, Skedar Ruins, and WAR!.

    Hit and Run, a Mr. Blonde-like Buddy that is likely a good version of the Skedar

  • The unlockable Hit and Run Buddy closely resembles a Mr. Blonde and shares the K7 Avenger. He can be considered a permanent ally version of them.
  • The sounds of the Skedar Warriors/King are slowed down versions of mountain lion growls, while "true" (and cloaked) Skedar are heard at full speed. They have no speech in their actual forms, unlike as a Mr. Blonde.
  • The health of the Skedar Warriors is roughly twice as much as dataDyne guards, similar to NPCs wearing Shields.
  • The blood of Skedar appears to be orange rather than red.
  • Like the Maians, when a Skedar is killed in battle, their eyelids will close.