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Perfect Wiki

A cumbersome weapon; fires either a standard rocket or a slower, homing rocket when locked on to the unfortunate target.

The Rocket Launcher is an explosive weapon created by dataDyne. Only a prototype of it was ever created. The primary mode fires a standard rocket which creates a large explosion.


When using the secondary function, the rocket will home in on the opponent slowly. Occasionally the rocket will circle around the individual for a while until the rocket hits the floor and explodes. The weapon shares the same targeting system as the CMP-150.

During most of its appearances, it involves assisting Joanna to take down aerial foes, such as the Hovercopter, which would take many bullets.

The weapon also makes an appearance in Perfect Dark Zero as a Heavy-classed weapon. It takes on a more authentic look, being welded over the shoulder than by the waist. Due to the nature, the player is slowed while holding it. Unlike its incarnation, this version's missiles travel at a set velocity and cannot be adjusted by one's speed. They hit hard, dealing incredible damage to targets, regardless of armor.

Its secondary option offers the user to control the rocket mid-flight, like the Slayer, including the ability to self detonate but it has a constant speed, unlike its Skedar counterpart. This allows skilled users to shoot down enemy Jet Packs and cause heavy damage to vehicles.



Perfect Dark
  • dataDyne Central: Extraction - Located outside Cassandra De Vries' office and used to destroy the gunship.
  • Area 51: Infiltration - Located in a small minefield near the beginning of the level.
  • An unlockable cheat is dedicated to this weapon to make it immediately available in any mission.
  • Another unlockable cheat allows all guards to be equipped with this weapon.
Perfect Dark Zero
  • River Extraction - Found on a turret.
  • Bridge Assault - Found in two locked boxes. Also carried by a dataDyne soldier who, if not killed quickly enough, will fire his rockets at both Joanna Dark and Jonathan Steinberg and kill the latter.


  • Simulants in the Combat Simulator can switch between modes of the launcher instantly.
  • Simulants do not use the Rocket Launcher as a hit-scan weapon, meaning that a MeatSim will fire a rocket directly at you with the same accuracy as a PerfectSim/DarkSim.
  • The left side handle of the weapon is the same as the ECM Mine's handle.
  • The Secondary Mode's rocket speed can be adjusted; The velocity can be sped up by running forward and then firing and vice-versa when backpedaling.
  • The Rocket Launcher's actual rate of fire is quite fast, as seen when the Unlimited Ammo - No Reloads cheat is enabled, despite normally having a single round magazine limitation.
  • If a guard is unarmed and the player pulls out a Rocket Launcher, the rocket will appear on the guard's shoulder. Firing the weapon while this is present will cause the game to freeze.

Perfect Dark - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedFalcon 2MagSec 4MaulerPhoenixDY357 MagnumDY357-LXCMP-150Cyclone
Callisto NTGRC-P120Laptop GunDragonK7 AvengerAR34SuperDragonShotgunReaper
Sniper RifleFarSight XR-20DevastatorRocket LauncherSlayerCombat KnifeCrossbowTranquilizerLaserGrenadeTimed MineProximity MineRemote MineN-BombPsychosis Gun
Classic Weapons PP9iCC13KL01313KF7 SpecialZZT (9mm)DMCAR53RC-P45
Gadgets ShieldData UplinkECM MineCamSpyNight VisionR-TrackerTracer BugReprogrammerBombSpyCloaking DeviceDoor DecoderComms RiderExplosivesX-Ray ScannerDisguiseAlien Medpack
DrugSpyHorizon ScannerSuitcasePresident ScannerR-TrackerIR ScannerTarget Amplifier
Skedar BombCombat BoostSuicide Pill
Perfect Dark Zero - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedP9PFalconMagSec 4DY357 MagnumPsychosis GunCMP-150DW-P5UGL LiberatorRCP-90Laptop GunFAC-16KSI-74SuperDragonM60JackalPlasma RifleShockwave
Rocket LauncherDEF-12 ShotgunVibladeHawk BoomerangFrag GrenadeFlashbangMultiMine
Gadgets Combat ShieldDatathiefLocktopusDemo KitAudioscopeCamSpyRevive KitNightvision Goggles
Threat Detector GogglesX-Ray GogglesStationary Turret