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Perfect Wiki
Perfect Wiki

This crossbow is a short-range 'pistol' sized example, mounted on a Carrington Institute Agent's wrist. It folds up to aid concealment and can fire up to five bolts, either the more usual drugged shots, or a lethal bolt.

The Crossbow is a weapon that appears in Perfect Dark.


The primary mode sedates the enemy, and will knock out any human with a single hit. In Combat Simulator, it causes minor damage but major disorientation to the target. This mode has a fast rate of fire.

The secondary mode, will instead kill an enemy in one shot, similar to the FarSight and DY357-LX. The only exception to this is the Skedar with 1000% health in Perfect Dark mode.

The crossbow automatically fires in an arc when used at longer distances, so that it will hit whatever the reticule is pointed at. There is also a delay between firing and the bolt actually hitting, so it's better to use the crossbow at shorter ranges.

Like the Shotgun, each bolt must be loaded individually, meaning the reload time depends on how many bolts remain in the crossbow.

It also one of the two weapons that are wrist mounted, the other being the Laser.



Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedFalcon 2MagSec 4MaulerPhoenixDY357 MagnumDY357-LXCMP-150Cyclone
Callisto NTGRC-P120Laptop GunDragonK7 AvengerAR34SuperDragonShotgunReaper
Sniper RifleFarSight XR-20DevastatorRocket LauncherSlayerCombat KnifeCrossbowTranquilizerLaserGrenadeTimed MineProximity MineRemote MineN-BombPsychosis Gun
Classic Weapons PP9iCC13KL01313KF7 SpecialZZT (9mm)DMCAR53RC-P45
Gadgets ShieldData UplinkECM MineCamSpyNight VisionR-TrackerTracer BugReprogrammerBombSpyCloaking DeviceDoor DecoderComms RiderExplosivesX-Ray ScannerDisguiseAlien Medpack
DrugSpyHorizon ScannerSuitcasePresident ScannerR-TrackerIR ScannerTarget Amplifier
Skedar BombCombat BoostSuicide Pill