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World model in multiplayer

The Combat Boost is a gadget used in Perfect Dark. When activated, time is slowed down by half, which not only makes you able to react faster, but also makes it so enemies will have a harder time landing shots on you as you dodge them. However, you still take the same damage from enemies. It's secondary feature allows you to stop it midway through.

During multiplayer, anytime one player use a Combat Boost, it will slow down time for all players. They cannot be used by Simulants (most likely to not create sudden slow and annoying gameplay).

If the Slow-mo cheat is on, the effect of the Combat Boost becomes reversed.

The sound of the player using the Boost, which is actually Joanna breathing, is the same regardless whatever character you use in solo or Combat Simulator.


Perfect Dark - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedFalcon 2MagSec 4MaulerPhoenixDY357 MagnumDY357-LXCMP-150Cyclone
Callisto NTGRC-P120Laptop GunDragonK7 AvengerAR34SuperDragonShotgunReaper
Sniper RifleFarSight XR-20DevastatorRocket LauncherSlayerCombat KnifeCrossbowTranquilizerLaserGrenadeTimed MineProximity MineRemote MineN-BombPsychosis Gun
Classic Weapons PP9iCC13KL01313KF7 SpecialZZT (9mm)DMCAR53RC-P45
Gadgets ShieldData UplinkECM MineCamSpyNight VisionR-TrackerTracer BugReprogrammerBombSpyCloaking DeviceDoor DecoderComms RiderExplosivesX-Ray ScannerDisguiseAlien Medpack
DrugSpyHorizon ScannerSuitcasePresident ScannerR-TrackerIR ScannerTarget Amplifier
Skedar BombCombat BoostSuicide Pill