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CamSpy up close

The CamSpy is a small surveillance device created by the Carrington Institute, which appeared in Perfect Dark. It only appeared in DataDyne Research: Investigation and G5 Building missions.

Its main purpose is to spy and record audio and video evidence, though it can also take pictures. It can also be used to distract and lure enemies, though they will shoot and destroy it on sight shortly after noticing it.

There are also two variations of this device, called the DrugSpy and the BombSpy.

In-Game Descriptions[]


Using the smallest application yet of anti-grav technology this is the ultimate snooping device. It has a video/audio link with a recording functional and an onboard facility for spectroscopic holography.


The DrugSpy is a version of CamSpy which carries 8 rounds similar to the Tranquilizer's, but will knock out any un-shielded enemy in a single hit, regardless of health modifiers (in Perfect Dark difficulty), like the Crossbow. It only appears in the Air Base: Espionage mission, where it can be used to incapacitate neutral NPCs to enable Joanna to steal a stewardess uniform.

The DrugSpy has similar maneuverability and visibility characteristics as the CamSpy.


This version of the CamSpy has the recording device replaced by a highly powerful charge of plastic explosive, designed to be a "suicide bomber" against enemies.

It appears in the Chicago and Mr. Blonde's Revenge missions.

The BombSpy is, obviously, a single-use device, as it is consumed in the explosion. Therefore it is critical to ensure that as many targets as possible are included in the blast.

However, it is possible to affix a mine (Proximity not recommended) to any of the three versions as a crude DIY BombSpy.



The CamSpy and variants are all useful as reconnaissance devices, allowing the player to check around corners and in dangerous places.

Enemy units are sometimes slow to detect the CamSpy, and, upon detection, will attempt to disable it with gunfire. It is possible, through evasive flying, to lure enemies after the CamSpy into a tactically advantageous position. This is especially useful with the BombSpy, as following enemies will helpfully clump together, allowing the single detonation of the BombSpy to eliminate them all.


  • The CamSpy normally has a green color for its HUD display. Its variants, the DrugSpy and BombSpy, can be distinguished with a blue and red color, respectively.
  • The BombSpy's usage by Mr. Blonde in the bonus mission Mr. Blonde's Revenge is rather strange, as the CamSpy is in fact a Carrington Institute device designed for Joanna Dark, and it is very unlikely should the Skedar use technology from their enemies. It could be intentional by the game developers, however, as it is meant to destroy clusters of Cassandra De Vries' Bodyguards on the first floor of the dataDyne HQ.
  • There is a glitch in the XBLA version of Perfect Dark, where using the CamSpy or any of its variants in Co-op mode will cause enemies to open fire on it instantly upon sighting it, failing the mission. This is also possible in the original N64 version of the game.
  • When using the CamSpy or its variants, and the player is dual-wielding handguns, Joanna can be seen only holding one weapon. This may be due to programming limitations.

Perfect Dark - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedFalcon 2MagSec 4MaulerPhoenixDY357 MagnumDY357-LXCMP-150Cyclone
Callisto NTGRC-P120Laptop GunDragonK7 AvengerAR34SuperDragonShotgunReaper
Sniper RifleFarSight XR-20DevastatorRocket LauncherSlayerCombat KnifeCrossbowTranquilizerLaserGrenadeTimed MineProximity MineRemote MineN-BombPsychosis Gun
Classic Weapons PP9iCC13KL01313KF7 SpecialZZT (9mm)DMCAR53RC-P45
Gadgets ShieldData UplinkECM MineCamSpyNight VisionR-TrackerTracer BugReprogrammerBombSpyCloaking DeviceDoor DecoderComms RiderExplosivesX-Ray ScannerDisguiseAlien Medpack
DrugSpyHorizon ScannerSuitcasePresident ScannerR-TrackerIR ScannerTarget Amplifier
Skedar BombCombat BoostSuicide Pill
Perfect Dark Zero - Weapons and Gadgets
Weapons UnarmedP9PFalconMagSec 4DY357 MagnumPsychosis GunCMP-150DW-P5UGL LiberatorRCP-90Laptop GunFAC-16KSI-74SuperDragonM60JackalPlasma RifleShockwave
Rocket LauncherDEF-12 ShotgunVibladeHawk BoomerangFrag GrenadeFlashbangMultiMine
Gadgets Combat ShieldDatathiefLocktopusDemo KitAudioscopeCamSpyRevive KitNightvision Goggles
Threat Detector GogglesX-Ray GogglesStationary Turret